Stairway to Tower of Homage
Once we enter the parade ground we find on the left attached to the Tower of Homage a very steep stairway. This 'patín' access —this is the name of this exterior access and the only natural entrance to the Tower of Homage— was surely built in Christian times, since the primitive access to the Tower of Homage was made through a ladder or even a rope through the door of the upper floor, about five meters above the parade ground. The 2004 intervention maintained this access and only acted by homogenizing the steps of the stairway and defending them with a railing to prevent falls. The final landing of access to the door was increased, plastered and the access was closed with a wooden door and a bolt.

Patín de tambor access
View of this access attached to the tower that rests on the landing from which the tower is accessed, designed to bridge the distance of 5 meters from the door on the parade ground. This access was conceived to allow a more comfortable access to the Tower of Homage.

Stair detail
Detail of the 'patín' access in which the railing that was added in the intervention of 2004 and the opening made in the Tower of Homage stand out, in which signs of its possible connection with the drainage of the tower roof towards the South cistern were discovered.