Access building. The Church Square
We have just entered the building that gives access to the medieval fortress, adjacent to the Parish Cemetery. This house —like the others that surround the Church Square— formed the intramural core of the medina in the Arab past. The house was set up in 2005 as access to the medieval fortress to alleviate the inconveniences of the sightseeing tour, as previously the entrance was in the form of a passageway to the castle, the visitor had to access the castle through a private home, the number 2 of this same square.
The access of this new entrance to the castle is designed from lowered brick arches that are supported by columns on the right wall and directly on the wall on the opposite wall. In the background, behind the gate, we find the wall that we will continue until we reach the access stairway to the castle. From this wall, water flows from a fountain carved from stone, this water runs through the room as a channel that ends in the basin that occupies the central body of the building. Its paving based on black and white cobblestone and clay slabs arranged in herringbone complete the Arab atmosphere that the room evokes. The vegetation that refreshes this passage to the castle is that of many of the Olvera hallways, ferns, palm trees and cast iron plants.

Plan of the fortress